How to Raise Killifish

Before reading this article, I recommend reading How to Hatch Killifish Eggs first.

Fill the water in a raising tray up to 0.5 inch in height at first, and feed a few foods.

Once hatched, the young Killifish undergo a series of gradual developmental changes, Gradually developing their characteristic coloration and patterns. As they continue to grow, the small fish begin to explore their surroundings, honing their swimming skills.

The growth rate of Killifish varies depending on various factors such as water temperature, and food availability.

The fry is tiny and may lose control when swimming, you should add oxygen to the water in the raising tray and set the air control valve to the lowest level. The water in the raising trays does not need to change but gradually increases the water level as the fry grows.Always keep an eye out for dead fish and remove them from the tray as soon as you spot them.Killifish are good jumpers, but the fry will not jump, so there is no need to put any cover on the tray.At three weeks of age, the fry is ready to move to the aquarium.

Normally, killifish Nothobranchius survive about a year. Killifish Nothobranchius is moderately aggressive. Sometimes males fight with each other for inbreeding with females and may bite other smaller fish. However, they have no teeth, so they can hardly do any damage.

The only male has a beautiful pattern with an adult-size length of 2 inches. The female has an adult-size length of 1.8 inches.

1 thoughts on “How to Raise Killifish

  1. Pingback: How to Hatch Killifish Eggs

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