Eating Habits of Killifish
The killifish usually do not eat pellet food. They are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide variety of food sources. Their diet primarily consists of small invertebrates such as insects, worms, and crustaceans.
Foods for Newly-Hatched Killifish
The food should be ready before hatching the killifish eggs.
Live food in our shop
- Fairy shrimp (Newly-hatched)
- Rotifer
We recommend fairy shrimp. From our experience, the fairy shrimp is very easy to hatch. You should hatch 0.5/10 capsules of fairy shrimp eggs 1 day before hatching killifish eggs and use the dropper to transfer newly-hatched fairy shrimp to the killifish tray.
Other live food
- Newly-hatched brine shrimp
- Microworms
- Vinegar eels
- Infusoria
- Grindal worms
Foods for Adult Killifish
When the fry is two weeks old, it will be big enough to eat Moina macrocopa.
Live food in our shop
- Fairy shrimp
- Moina macrocopa
- Daphnia magna
- Bloodsworms
Other live food
- Mosquito larvae
- Tubifex worms
- Blackworms
- White worms