How to Culture Live Fish Food

Before reading this article, I recommend reading How to Hatch Live Fish Food Eggs first.

Food for Live Fish Food

Live fish food eats bacteria, yeast, Spirulina, and Chlorella.

Feed Live fish food by pouring the prepared food into the tank. if you feed them by Chlorella the water will turned to light green. Be careful to overfeed. Feed 1-2 times per day. Increase or reduce the food according to the population of them. Do not feed more if the water is still green. In a few days, they will start to reproduce, and you will have thousands of them to feed your fishes.

Change the water

The water will gradually turn light yellow due to the waste excreted. Drain the water by using an aquarium siphon cleaner tube. Suck them and water out as much as possible from the water’s surface to downward.

Pour the water and live fish food into a bucket through an aquarium fishnet. They will get stuck on the fishnet. You do not have to suck the live fish food that sinks to the bottom of the tank. It is dead, Drain the remaining water and deadlive fish food out and clean the tank.

Add 80% of fresh water and 20% of old water into the tank. Then, drop the live fish food on the fishnet into the water. When the water turns dark yellow, it means a lot of waste is in the water. The waste will turn to be ammonia and kill them, so keep your eyes on the color of the water.

3 thoughts on “How to Culture Live Fish Food

  1. Pingback: How to Hatch Live Fish Food Eggs

  2. Sinicco Claude says:

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    j’ai essayé avec de l’eau du robinet, beaucoup de naissances
    mais il ne grandissaient pas
    avec de l’eau de pluie récupérée du toit de la maison (verte)
    beaucoup de naissance et un changement de taille rapide

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